Flash-catalogs - Home - Desktop/CD digital catalog templates -Retailers showcase your products affordably, effectively - on the web or on Cd-Rom
Flash catalog templates - affordable, effective, easy maintenance for retailers in search of an easy solution for presenting their products digitally on the web or on Cd-rom
The E-cat is an interactive, engaging way to distribute product information to customers, distributors and prospects. The E-cat is a desktop catalog designed for maximum flexibility and ease of maintenance. It's the only digital catalog with a mp3 player, video player, web content updater, and livehelp available as built-in options. The catalog is a Flash/HTML hybrid application, so it merges the interactivity and functionality only a Flash application can provide with the simplicity of HTML maintenance. Knowledge of Flash is NOT required to build and maintain it. 'Every year, the catalog indu... Visit the original website to read more...
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Flash Catalogs - Internet Aware Software.
Web And Desktop Catalog Builder Software.