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Winning at anything, whether it is in love, life, racing or sports needs a plan. A winning plan! You would have heard failing to plan is planning to fail. The tree you sit under to shelter from the rain or sun is the result of two things. 1. Someone planned and planted that tree so that it is there for you today. 2. What is more important they actioned that plan, see a plan without action, is as good as no plan! Hi, My name is Steve Davidson, for over 40 years I have seen plans and I have actioned them. Racing has always been in those plans and in later years sports betting. In those 40 years ... Visit the original website to read more...
7 Steps to Heaven, 80% return rate!
A racing system that can be used in any country. This is a backing system designed in the UK, however by using just the 1st 3 steps it can be used in any country with 50% return. Yes even the US.