Child Custody - At What Age Can A Child Choose?
Offers a book for parents involved in child custody disputes by two of the countries most-respected psychologists, Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Eliott. Continually updated with newest information. Fully guarranteed
The Custody Center Village Publishing Building73 Valley Drive Furlong, PA 18925 (800) 553-7678 (800) 633-7223 FAX (215) How old does a child have to bein order to choose which parenthe or she wants to live with? Technically speaking, a child under 18 years of age has no legal 'right to choose'. Minors are, by definition, "legal incompetents", which means they are not recognized by the court as being able to make legally binding decisions, including decisions regarding their custody. However, over the years, various precedents have been set by custody courts thro... Visit the original website to read more...
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At What Age Can A Child Choose?
Child Custody: At What Age Can A Child Choose Who He/she Will Live With?