Interference with child custody visitation
Covers all aspects of child custody visitation and how it can be modified to prevent interference.
The Custody Center Village Publishing Building73 Valley Drive Furlong, PA 18925 (800) 553-7678 (800) 633-7223 FAX (215) INTERFERENCE WITH VISITATIONAS GROUNDS FOR MODIFYING CUSTODY " I worked out a visitation plan with my ex when we got divorced, but now she never lets me see the kids." "The court gave me every-other-weekend and all day Wednesday to be with my daughter but I haven't seen her in over a year!""According to my lawyer, the court said that I have 50/50 custody, but my ex-husband keeps moving with my little boy and I haven't been allowed to even talk ... Visit the original website to read more...
Custody, child custody, child custody-interference, child custody-modifying, visitation, child custody order, modifying custody visitation, family court orders
Interfering With Visitation.
Interfering With Visitation As Grounds For Modifying A Custody Order.