Offers a book for parents involved in child custody disputes by two of the countries most-respected psychologists, Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Eliott. Continually updated with newest information. Fully guarranteed
The Custody Center Village Publishing Building73 Valley Drive Furlong, PA 18925 (800) 553-7678 (800) 633-7223 FAX (215) Child Custody State Laws CUSTODY VISITATION SUPPORT INDIVIDUAL REPORTS FOR EACH STATE AND DC Each report covers the custody, visitation, and child support laws and family court precedents for a specific state. This is accomplished by using discussions, examples, questions and answers, and summaries to make the large amount of information more meaningful to the reader. It is the goal of these reports to help you understand the "child custody env... Visit the original website to read more...
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Child Custody: State Law Reports.
Your State's Current Child Custody, Visitation, & Support Law Information.