Prostate Cancer - symptoms, treatments and survival
Get the facts from a prostate cancer survivor - about symptoms, treatments and the real story about survival.
Get the facts from a prostate cancer survivor Are you worried about prostate cancer? You should be because prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men! My book tells you what your doctor doesn't have time for: Know what your prostate is, where it's at, what it does and what can go wrong. Recognise the symptoms of prostate problems, that if you ignore them, can kill you Learn what the treatments are and how they will affect you. In all of life, for the real story you go to the man who has walked the walk. I've walked the walk! Dear Reader, At the age of fifty seven, I was diagnos... Visit the original website to read more...
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I survived prostate cancer
e-book all you need to know about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and survival written by a prostate cancer patient.